Thursday, June 16, 2011

Much Needed Update (furniture edition)

Oh Yeah babe.

Flowers are a-bloomin!
Forgot the pillows.... :P

Here's the whole set visible

Just to let you guys see the night ambiance...

The firepot is probably my fav.

Close up of the awesome stepping stones!
No more blank wall!!
    Alright!  Well... it's been awhile since I last blogged about the yard and it's progress.  Many of you have seen it already, but for those of you who haven't I thought I'd give you an update.  Thanks to THE Mike Anderson, I now have some patio furniture. (Hell yeah Craigslist! :])  It's a very nice set too and I'm really pleased with it!  Mike was a very nice guy too.  Also, I went out and splurged a little bit on cool stuff like torches and some path lights, and a FIREPOT!  It burns gel, so it's pretty sweet.  I'm not sure if I ever updated about the giant stumps I got for seating around the fire pit, but they are noticeable in a few of these pics.  What else is there?  Oh yea, I just installed the lattice on the wall.  It definitely looks a lot better than a plain white wall.  And there are some vines already growing their way up.
    I've had to do a few complete overhauls on the two garden spaces to get weeds out of 'em, but I think they're pretty set for now... The plants are doing pretty well as you can see from a few of the pictures!  They are no longer little babies.  BUT, I am not done with this project yet!  Oh yes, there will be more to come this summer! Bwahahahaha! *ehm...*

My future plans include:
-Making a lattice structure that covers (and shades) the loveseat.  There is a vine growing next to it that will help cover it very nicely.
-Probably getting an umbrella to help shade the rest of the seats.
-Also, potentially making a nice little garden area along the back fence by clearing out all the junk that is back there now.

I know, you might be thinking... "Logan! What about the pergola??" or... "What about that gazebo idea?"  Nope and Nope.  I have decided to make a SMALL covering.  This way I get the best of both worlds.  A nice firm structure that has the ability of sporting vines.  AND the nice full sun coverage of a canopy.  In this case, an umbrella.  It's genius, I know.  I'm happy about it.  I'll probably start the lattice structure soon, as that vine needs something to cling to quick.  Soooooo, STAY TUNED! :]]


  1. you forgetted the hidden bench/gazebo in the back ;]

  2. Well its not hidden if I mention it now is it? ;]
