Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Finished Gardens!!

Hey!  Here are my finished gardens! I'm pretty pleased with them, especially now that they are mulched. :] And mulch will help keep the soil moist and improve the health of my plants!  Now keep in mind that these gardens aren't going to be all that impressive for a while... I'll continue to feed them miracle grow throughout the summer in hopes that they flourish, but hey this is still just a start.  Hopefully if none of them get stomped on or die, it should all grow back even bigger and better next spring!  I'm pretty excited about it! :]

If you liked these blog posts, don't worry!  Because there will still be other work done in my yard and more things to update! Yayyyy! :]

Other things I hope to finish yet:
-Fire Pit!
-Add forms of seating around the fire pit.
-Dig out grass behind these perennials further in my backyard and mulch it.
-Cut down the trees from inside my hedge and trim the hedge.
-Add some solar powered lights to front and backyard gardens, and elsewhere in backyard.
-Put some stepping stones in the walkway between gardens.

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